Orion e o Escuro (2024) – Trilha Sonora

Produzida por Back Lot Music, a trilha sonora de Orion e o Escuro (“Orion and the Dark”) é composta por Robert Lydecker (“Punho de Ferro”, “Máquina Mortífera”) e Kevin Lax (“A Primeira Noite de Crime”, “Código de Silêncio”). A trilha sonora será lançada digitalmente amanhã, 2 de fevereiro. Confira a playlist completa abaixo;

Trilha sonora de Orion e o Escuro

  1. Meet Orion (2:21)
  2. Permission Slip (1:16)
  3. Walking Home From School (0:44)
  4. Orion and the Dark (0:26)
  5. Darkness Embodied (1:04)
  6. Orion Meets Dark (3:04)
  7.  Swirling Chaos of Fears (0:27)
  8.  Hypatia Interrupts (0:48)
  9.  Open Your Eyes (1:14)
  10. Buckle Up (0:34)
  11.  Sunshine (1:05)
  12.  Meet the Night Entities (2:04)
  13.  Dark, Light, and (2:28)
  14. Insomnia (1:35)
  15. Quiet and Unexplained Noises (1:37)
  16. Dreams (1:13)
  17. Irene’s Dream (1:07)
  18. Irene’s Dream Goes Wrong (3:12)
  19. Not Still Afraid (1:27)
  20. City Walk (1:55)
  21. Entities in Harmony (0:34)
  22. Orion’s Speech (1:40)
  23. The Entities Abandon Dark (1:50)
  24. Dark Surrenders to the Light (1:45)
  25. Hypatia’s Idea (0:41)
  26.  Hypatia’s Poem (1:58)
  27. Sweet Dreams, Orion (1:28)
  28. Inside Orion’s Dreamspace (0:43)
  29.  Dark in the Void (4:10)
  30. Orion Awakes (1:33)
  31. The Entities Return (1:13)
  32. Orion’s and Dark’s Farewell (1:37)
  33. Getting Hypatia Home (1:45)
  34. Tycho’s Rescue (2:18)
  35. A Family Beneath the Stars (2:10)
  36. Last Sketches (2:36)

Trilha Sonora de Orion e o Escuro

Compositores: Robert Lydecker e Kevin Lax
Estúdio: Back Lot Music
Lançamento: 02 de fevereiro de 2024
Faixas: 36

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